Guys, I’m falling in love with cooking. WHAT?! I don’t know how this happened, but I’m loving it and going with it ♥

I recently had some goods delivered by Green Bean Delivery. It was actually a lifesaver because Thursday is my delivery day and that also happens to be when my fridge becomes pretty bare. I will still be hitting up the market every week, but Green Bean Delivery provides a variety of brands that I’ve become a fan of.  I also really like selecting the items, aside from having a meal sent to me. Check below for a few of my faves!

 Current Faves  » All Available at Green Bean Delivery 

Cleveland Kraut – Roasted Garlic

Local Folks – Stone Ground XXPress

Farm to Kitchen Energy Bites – Honey Pistachio

HIPPEAS Chickpea Puffs – Sriracha Sunrise

Amelia’s Bread – Semolina

I always slice my bread and freeze it! I promise it will save for weeks 🙂

If you’ve fallen for all my faves, then go ahead and create your account.

Use PROMO CODE: FoodieIndy 

The promo code will give you 20% off your first THREE orders. I love a good deal 🙂  The discount is only for new members! Happy shopping.

After my delivery, I was inspired to use my local ingredients for something delicious.


The Ultimate Kraut Sandwich

The goods – literally


What you’ll need: 

½ inch sliced Amelia’s Semolina Bread

1 tablespoon butter

1 cup spinach

2 tablespoons oil (avocado oil worked well)

2 tablespoons Local Folks Mustard

½ Cup Garlic Kraut  

1 large egg




Additional Items to Add:

1 slice Goose the Market, City Ham

2 slices Goose the Market Bacon



  1. Start toasting the bread first, it takes about 5-7 minutes in the buttered skillet. Heat skillet to medium and toast each side to your desired preference.

    for your amusement.. here’s some spinach
  2. While bread is toasting, heat a second skillet to medium heat. Saute spinach and oil. The spinach will take about 5-7 minutes to become wilted. Add a dash of salt and pepper for extra flavor.
  3. After bread is toasted, add one tablespoon of mustard to each slice of bread
  4. Layer the spinach atop the mustard
  5. Layer ½ cup of kraut atop the spinach
  6. Using the buttered from before, cook one large egg to be over-easy
  7. Finally, top the sandwich with the over-easy egg and the second slice of bread.
  8. Enjoy!


Ok, let’s be honest.. we all know how to make a sandwich… but my directions will provide you with an ULTIMATE one. If you like the additional ingredients, then I highly suggest adding them. I tried a few variations of the sandwich and loved each of them! Please share your creations with me via Instagram/Facebook or comment below.

Ready to shop with Green Bean Delivery?

Use PROMO CODE: FoodieIndy 

The promo code will give you 20% off your first THREE orders. The discount is only for new members! Happy shopping. All ingredients can be purchased from GreenBean Delivery.. how convenient is that 😉


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